Eddy lepp wrote me back and I got his letter yesterday. Eddy believes we need more youth activists in our country, like me. I asked him a series of questions including:
What was your day like Pre-Prison?
He answered, “most of the time he was out with his best friend who has recently past Jack Herer A.K.A. The Godfather of Cannabis, they were mostly doing work for the cannabis freedom fighters”.
What is his life like in prison?
He is mostly bored, leaving him to walk, read, and write but of course there is little to do.
I asked why he thought he was a celebrity, if it was because of his trial or just what he does.
He said “he was already an international celebrity long before his arrest, also explaining that he was the first person arrested, tried and acquitted under California’s m.d. MJ law prop. 215”.
Also telling me he was never a cannabis supplier thru there church and just allowed people to grow there own on church property, so they supplied there own with help from the church.
Next I asked if he thought marijuana should be strictly med. or recreational purposes also?
He answered “I believe all use is to some extent medical, when one chooses to alter their mind its usually trying to fix a problem, sadly it almost never works”.
I asked him what his life goal was.
“To continue to keep my promise to god. My prayers were answered and I must keep my word to do less would make me a hypocrite”
Do you think you have improved our country?
“Yes I know all the work I and so many others have done has made the world a better place but there is much much more to do!
He ended his letter with a phrase I don’t think I will ever forget.
Respect all
Hurt none
Love one another